Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Jalapeño Popper Burgers

I recently came across a recipe for chocolate lasagna.  Maybe you all have already heard of this work of ingenuity, but I was late to the game.  I haven't made it yet, but how could it be bad?

Joy the Baker made a lasagna grilled cheese once that sounded pretty stellar.
These combo foods can reach beyond the lasagna-base though.  For example, this delightful treat/dinner is what happens when you stuff a jalapeño popper inside a burger, both things that I enjoy thoroughly and when put together in this mashup, I liked it even better.  A whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts kind of thing.

So you may be inclined to think that mashups only work well when you put two T. Swift songs together, but you're wrong.

I also wanted to point out that you're wrong about needing to eat healthier in 2015.  What you need is to eat more burgers.  Burgers stuffed with cheese!  Happy New Year!!

1 lb. ground beef
salt & pepper
4 oz. cream cheese
4 jalapeños
4 buns
1 large tomato
iceberg lettuce
ketchup & mustard

1.  Season ground beef with salt and pepper.  Separate into 8 balls.  Pat each ball flat and set aside.

2.  In a food processor, blend together cream cheese and jalapeños (Note: depending on how daring you're feeling you can leave the seeds in or take them out.).

3.  Place a dollop of the cream cheese mixture onto 4 of the hamburger patties.  Cover with the remaining for patties and pinch the edges closed.

4.  Grill until cooked all the way through (flipping at the halfway point).

5.  Assemble your burgers with whatever toppings you like - I just went with the classics!


  1. I'm addicted to jalapenos. I blame my Tex-Mex roots. This sounds delish!

    1. I have no Tex-Mex roots, but I'm still addicted ;) -Sarah


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