Sunday, June 16, 2013

Project 365: Week 24

June 10 | I felt pretty good out on the rock for the first time this summer (and weak).

June 11 | Unbelievably hot this week - found shade everywhere we could.
June 12 | Pretty.
June 13 | We rode our bikes to a hog roast (part of "Bike to Work Month").
The kids got bored and started playing with the hog :)
June 14 | Grilling before heading up town to get rooftop margaritas and cheesecake with our friends.  Weird combination?  Maybe yes.
June 15 | Long Island Iced Tea to head to the pool.
June 16 | I'm starting to get worried about fires again - if we get more of these storms that don't produce any rain, we might be headed for a rough summer.  On the bright side, it was nice hiking weather.


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