Friday, September 21, 2012

End of Summer Sandwich

Today is officially the last day of summer.  Most people lament the passing of hot, long days filled with sunshine and fresh fruit, and now that I'm writing it down, maybe I do too.  I love the things that summer has to offer and this summer especially, I feel like Austin and I have really taken advantage of it.

We've been camping, climbing, hiking, swimming.  We even took a trip to the beach!
While the summer has been amazing, I am ready to move into fall and winter.  There's something more relaxing about shorter days and carb-loaded foods.  And then, you know, there are the holidays in there too - which I always get too excited about!
So, yes, I'll miss being able to go climbing after work.  I'll miss fresh tomato sandwiches.  I'll miss swimming outside.

I'll miss a thousand things about summer (most of which deal with food!), especially when we are in April and it's still snowing.  So right now, I am going to enjoy this last day of summer with a fresh, veggie-loaded sandwich, but tomorrow, I'm welcoming in the pumpkin bread with my cowboy boot slippers.
Olive Oil
Fresh Mozzarella
1 Tomato
Alfalfa Sprouts
Balsamic Vinegar

Since everyone knows how to make a sandwich, I'm not going to insult your intelligence by posting a recipe.  Just toast up your bread with the olive oil in the oven or in a skillet (or you could use butter).  Pile on your ingredients and drizzle with vinegar!


  1. I am itching to try out this sandwich!!

    1. I can't believe it's already that time again! It feels like summer just started!

  2. I am itching to try out this sandwich. It looks delish!


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