Thursday, October 30, 2014

Jack Daniels Gravy

Austin helped making our registry, I promise he did.  But that didn't mean that when we were opening the china and the kitchen accessories after the wedding that he didn't seem a little...unenthused.  (Despite the fact that he got things he specifically registered for too!)
I don't know if this was just our experience, but I'm guessing it's not.  I'm guessing when a lot of newlyweds start opening the presents, the excitement is not exactly evenly distributed.

The thing Austin just couldn't seem to get over was why we needed a gravy boat.

'Can't we just eat gravy out of the pan like we always do?'

Well, yes, we can.  But now we don't have to!  And I promise when we have people over or maybe when we host our first Thanksgiving, he'll be excited that we can do it properly.
*We didn't have a gravy boat when I made this Jack Daniels Gravy, otherwise there wold be pictures of my our very pretty, new, teal gravy boat :)
4 Tbsp. butter
1/2 c. onions, chopped
1/2 c. Jack Daniels Whiskey
1-2 Tbsp. flour
1 c. beef broth
salt & pepper

1.  In a small saucepan, melt butter and cook onions until translucent.

2.  Stir in whiskey and cook until reduced by half.

3.  Whisk together the beef broth and the flour until there are no clumps then stir into the gravy mixture.  Continue whisking until thickened (should coat the back of the wooden spoon).  Season to taste with salt & pepper.

*Serve with meatloaf or any other type of beef!

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