Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pasta Salad

I know that the 4th of July is the holiday for barbecuing, and maybe you're thinking you're done hosting dinner until it cools off, and you don't want to think about grilling or potato salad or even berry trifles.  Well, sorry but you're going to have to get over it.
The fact of the matter is, we've got a long ways to go before the leaves start changing colors.  Nights are still long, days are still hot, and barbecuing will continue on strongly.

We don't really know a lot of people here in Boulder, so we don't have to spend a lot of energy thinking about what to bring to parties.  We also don't have to ever get dressed up.  There are positives to not having friends where you live, I promise.
Point is, if I was invited to a barbecue, I would bring pasta salad.  First of all, how many potato salads do we really need?  Second of all, food at barbecues almost always sits out for too long and I do NOT want to be the one to blame for food poisoning.  This pasta salad has no mayonnaise so if anyone gets sick, you just blame it on the jerk that brought the 3rd bowl of potato salad.

1 lb. pasta
1 red onion
2 cucumbers
2 red peppers
2 tomatoes
1 head broccoli
1/2 bottle McCormics 'Salad Supreme' (find it in the spice section)
8 oz. italian salad dressing

1.  Cook pasta until al dente, drain and add to large serving bowl.

2.  Chop all vegetables, add to pasta.

3.  Stir in 'Salad Supreme' and italian dressing until all the vegetables and pasta are incorporated.  Refrigerate until ready to serve (at least 2 hours).

*This pasta salad will get better and more flavorful the longer you let it set, so it's a great option to make a day ahead of time.

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