Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cherry Banana Smoothie

I've been out of town for a few days (sorry for the lack of posts), and it's been great.  Really, really great.  I got to spend time with my family and Austin's family.  I visited with old friends, ate really good food, and watched a lot of fireworks.
And now, it's back to eating at my desk, staring at a computer screen, and missing the drier, cooler air of home.

Everyone always says you need a vacation after a vacation and I've always kind-of thought that was greedy.  Now that I'm home though, all I want is to not have an agenda.  I want to spend my mornings slowly drinking my coffee and reading a book.  When people ask me, "What are you going to do today?"  I want to be able to say, "I don't know - don't have any plans."
I guess I could pretend like I'm on vacation by enjoying a fruity smoothie and taking my time to get ready in the morning.  I know, I know - it's not the same!  Hope you had a great 4th of July (if you're an American reader and know what I'm talking about)!!

1 banana
1 c. cherries (pitted)
2 drops almond extract
1/4 c. plain greek yogurt
5 ice cubes

1.  Blend all ingredients until smooth.


  1. hi sarah
    When you retire, you will be able to do just that if you so desire.

    1. that's exactly what I want! I just wish I could retire really really young ;)

  2. I'm all for cherry and banana smoothies! Your recipe looks great though, I'll have to try it.

    1. Thank you! Please let me know what you think. Normally, I'm not a huge cherry fan but when they're fresh it's a whole different story!

  3. Nom-nom-nom! Can't wait to try this!

    1. Let me know what you think, Alana! xo Sarah


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