Monday, May 20, 2013

Raspberry Smoothie

I had to leave work early today because I'm sick.  We humans are pretty good at blocking out unpleasant memories and because of that, every time I get sick, it feels worse than ever before.

Have you noticed how when you're sick, everyone wants to give you advice?  It's nice really, just an observation.  You should take this medicine, not that medicine.  Eat this, not that.  Exercise, no wait rest.  Take as much vitamin C as you can get in you, actually more than the daily dose won't do anything.  It's confusing.  I don't think there's any right or wrong really.
All I know is that I came home from work and I slept for about 8 hours.  I ate chicken noodle soup and drank a Strawberry C Monster.  The Dingo was pretty sure I came home early so I could play with her longer, so she was pretty disappointed when she kept pushing on me but got no reaction.

My only 2 pieces of advice for you if you get sick:
1.  Watch something stupid (like Bridezillas).  That way you won't be tempted to stay awake to find out how the show ends.
2.  Drink smoothies.
I hope that works out for you (and me).

1/4 c. strawberries
1/2 c. fresh raspberries
1 banana
1/4 c. milk
1 Tbsp. honey
4-6 ice cubes

1.  Throw all of your ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.


  1. Feel better! I'm glad you posted this, too, because I've been into smoothies lately! 'Tis the season!

    1. Thank you, Chrissy! One sick day at home full of Bridezillas and I am feeling better already :) I think you'll really like this smoothie - it is so refreshing and summery!

  2. Okay, folks! I made this smoothie this morning and it's AWESOME!! Thanks, Ms. Fudge!

    1. Thank YOU, Alana! I'm so glad you tried it and thank you for coming back to the site to post your review in the comments :) Have a great day! xo Sarah


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