Sunday, October 20, 2013

Project 365: Week 42

October 14 | Said goodbye to the whole Coates clan before Dingo and I drove back home by ourselves.

October 15 | My zombie hands, post climbing.
October 16 | 'Tis the season for big batches of soup!
October 17 | My last batch of tomatoes before the snow came...
October 18 | Which Dingo was really excited about!
October 19 | Since we're still renting, I can't do any remodeling and I have to settle for reorganizing.
October 20 | Spent this whole rainy/snowy afternoon listening to Of Monsters and Men on my new record player!!!


  1. Nice picture of all of you! Who took it?....dingo or heidi?

    1. Heidi - I know, you'd think the angle would be off, but she's a pretty talented photographer ;)

  2. And also, remember when you thought you should be a hand model?

    1. Yes I remember because I still think that - they are big but not man hands...perfect to show people how small pills are :D


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