Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sweet Potato Chips

I went shopping the other day and noticed how every store has their fall collection in the windows.  They're blowing out their summer stuff, but it seems a little early to me.  Why does every retailer act like summer ends at the end of July?  Don't they know that it's still ridiculously hot?
They just confuse me.  They get me in the mood to wear sweaters, boots, and scarves, but if I did that right now, I would litrally melt.  We're in the middle of a heat wave, which is making it hard to think there will ever be a time for layers and tea and sweet potatoes.  Right now it's still time for hiding inside until the sun goes down, grilling so you don't have to turn on the oven, and citronella candles.

I'm really trying to enjoy the summer and make the most of it while it's still around because I know I will be craving it again soon, but right now I just really want to stop sweating!  That's it.  I want fall to come.  I want the leaves to change.  I want my allergies to go away.  Mostly, I want to be able to turn on my oven again.
But in the spirit of faking it until you make it, I made sweet potato chips.  It's like a mix between summer and fall.  Sweet potatoes are fall/winter food and chips are summer food, right?  I sucked it up.  I turned on the oven really high and I blasted R2D2 (our little window AC unit), and I waited 15-25 minutes.  Then, I burned my tongue on hot chips.

3 sweet potatoes (sliced as thinly as you can)
1/4 c. butter, melted
cinnamon & sugar

1.  Mix melted butter and sweet potatoes together.

2.  Spread potatoes out on a cookie sheet (try not to overlap as much as possible).

3.  Bake at 500° for 15-25 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.  Depending on how thick the sweet potatoes are, you may have to cook them longer.

4.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.


  1. This recipe looks delicious! Will have to give this one a try soon! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at

    1. Thank you, Kaleb and Marilyn! I have been sucked into your site now - beautiful pictures!!



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