Friday, December 28, 2012

Eggnog Monte Cristos

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!  My trip home was too short, as always and I'm finding it really hard to readjust to regular life.  So, I think for the next few days I'm going to just keep pretending that it's not over.  Is that cool with you?  No?  Well, too bad!

I can't let Bing Crosby's smooth voice just fade away until next year!  I also can't let all that eggnog that I stocked up on, go bad in the fridge.
Since I drive home to my parents' house for Christmas, I don't get the luxury of leftovers.  Not to mention, our Christmas has become a little non-traditional to accommodate everyone's work schedules.  But if you have pounds of leftover turkey and ham and bowls full of cranberry sauce that you don't know what to do with, make this sandwich.  Or give it to homeless people.  Both options would be nice.

EGGNOG MONTE CRISTOS (makes 12 mini sandwiches)
Recipe from Food Network Magazine
Dijon Mustard
9 slices Sandwich Bread
6 slices Gouda Cheese
1/2 c. Eggnog
Freshly Grated Nutmeg
Butter (for greasing the pan)
Cranberry Sauce (for dipping)

1.  Layer your sandwiches in this order: bread, mustard, mayo, cheese, turkey, ham, bread, cheese, turkey, ham, mustard, mayo, bread.

2.  Cut off crusts and wrap tightly in plastic wrap (to keep the sandwiches compact).  Refrigerate 30+ minutes.

3.  Mix together eggnog and nutmeg.  Dip sandwiches in eggnog, then place in skillet with melted butter.  Cook over medium low heat until browned, flip and cook other side.  Remove from heat.  Cut into quarters.

4.  Serve with cranberry sauce for dipping.

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