Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Purple "Green" Smoothie

I spotted the space shuttle this morning as it flew over DC!  I ran out of work (it's my last week of work anyway, what do you expect?!) and walked down to the bridge to watch it fly over.  Granted, I probably would have gotten a better view looking out the CEO's office like everyone else in my office did, but oh well.

I didn't think I would care so much about the space shuttle but watching it fly over today to be decommissioned, knowing this could be the last time in a long time that the US goes into space on its own vehicle, was really sad.  It's like saying goodbye to an era.

I'd like to bring back the space age (minus the duck-and-cover drills).  And let's bring back the Jetsons while we're at it!  In the second space age, all of our food will come in liquid form probably.  Better start getting used to it now.
This smoothie has spinach in it.  Before you turn up your nose just hear me out.  This smoothie has spinach that you cannot taste at all.  This is definitely a whole meal, blended together, and slurped through a straw.  Total space food.

1 big handful of washed spinach
1 1/2 c. peaches*
1 c. strawberries*
1/2 c. blackberries*
1/2 c. milk
*Use fresh or frozen fruit.  If all fruit is fresh, add some ice to your smoothie.

1.  Place all your ingredients into the blender (put the spinach in first so it will blend it up better).  Add extra milk as necessary to make it the desired consistency.


  1. Looks amazing! I keep adding your healthy recipes/pics to our pinterest page at work. Is that kosher? I don't want to infringe on any copyrights.

    1. Yes! It's more than kosher, it's appreciated! I love it when people share my recipes :) Thank you!

  2. I made smoothie this morning - Also delicious with a healthy vegetable, but I used beets.

    Beet, banana, strawberry, blueberry, and apple cider. You should try it. It's like the Roxberry Juice Blood health drink, but much cheaper.


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