Monday, March 19, 2012

Lemon Pistachio Biscotti

This past weekend, Austin and I visited our good friend who now lives on Long Island for her Ph.D. program.  She's going to be a doctor.  She'll be able to answer all of our questions then (re: Austin always saying, "I don't know, I'm not a doctor!")

She's not quite a doctor yet, so she wasn't much help with our questions.  ("What is the difference between a sound and a bay?"  "When does a brook become a creek?"  "Why do they only sell Corn Toasties in New York and New Jersey?")  She did school us on the accents of the Northeast and included a brief aside about the South though.  It was informative. 

We also learned some pretty amazing new dance moves from some cargo-short clad dudes leaving the bar after their St. Patrick's Day shenanigans. 
We learned a lot.

Most of the weekend was spent just enjoying each other's company.  Is it just me or does it sound like we got engaged?! 

Here are the save the date photos! :)
The point is: taking a 3 day weekend to enjoy the company of an amazing friend, soak in the sunshine and drink coffee slow is the best.  The absolute best!
These lemon pistachio biscotti will remind you to slow it down a little bit with your morning coffee.  It's important.

1/3 c. butter
2/3 c. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. flour
4 tsp. lemon peel
1 1/4 c. pistachios

For the Icing/Glaze:
1 c. powdered sugar
1 tsp. lemon peel
1-2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1.  Beat together butter and sugar.  Add vanilla.  Add eggs one at a time. 

2.  Mix together baking powder, salt, flour and lemon peel.  Add to wet ingredients.

3.  Stir in pistachios.
4.  Divide dough into 2 equal parts.  Roll out each part into an 8" tube.  Press flat (about 1 inch thick).
5.  Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes.  Cool 30 minutes.
6.  Using a serrated knife, cut at angles then place the cut side down on a cookie sheet.
7.  Reduce heat to 325 and bake for 8 minutes.  Flip biscotti over and bake an additional 8-10 minutes.

8.  Whisk together glaze ingredients in small bowl.  Drizzle over cooled biscotti (or dip one end in!).

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