Friday, May 11, 2012

Farro Salad

Sunday is Mother's Day, as I'm sure all of you remember.  ;)  This year, I won't be able to spend the day with my mom (someone went on a cruise to Alaska and didn't invite me!), but I will enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful spring weather and pretend like the whole fam is together.
For Mother's Day there is always the classic of breakfast in bed, but if your mom is like mine, all she really wants is her coffee and quiet in the morning.  Brunch is a good option (always), but it can take a lot of time to prepare and it's not exactly affordable to go out on this particular day.

Here's my recommendation: eat outside.  Grill up some burgers.  Make some salads and sides.  Cut up fresh fruit.  And finish it all off with a simple, tasty dessert.
This salad recipe is inspired by a pasta salad that is one of my favorite dishes that my mom makes.  But remember how I said, I am obsessed with Farro?  Well, I still am!

1 c. cooked farro
1 1/2 c. cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1/2 red onion
1/2 cucumber, peeled and cut into small pieces
1/4 c. finely chopped parsley
1 garlic clove, minced
2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1/4 c. olive oil
salt & pepper, to taste
1.  In a medium bowl, mix together farro, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, and parsley.

2.  In a small bowl, whisk together garlic, vinegar, olive oil, and salt & pepper.

3.  Pour dressing over farro mixture.  You can make this salad the night before and store in the refrigerator.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


  1. I didn't get invited to the holiday either so at least all three of us (well at least two - maybe they were sneaky and brought darcie without telling us - she is the favorite after all - ha) can just have a pretend holiday. Maybe I'll make some of this stuff this weekend....Looks delicious (minus those gross onions)

    1. I haven't heard from Darcie since they left, maybe she is with them! Yes we should have a pretend holiday and maybe next time I get home, we can make up for it :)

      Maybe you could put scallions or shallots if you don't want as strong of an onion-y taste.

  2. two are really funny ;-)

    1. Aren't you proud you have 3 HILARIOUS daughters (I included Darcie too since she thinks she's the funniest!)

  3. They didn't invite me either...quite rude!!! And thank you sarah I do consider myself very humorous. And Miss as far as you liking to cook still can't understand how you don't like onions?
    But guys you should get excited because I finally figured out how to post!!!

    1. I'm so proud you figured it out Darcie! I agree with you about the onion thing too. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks...did you get your ticket yet?


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